Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Plugging Along

Last night I did week 4 day one of the c25k! and finished it. with out dieing!

Mike and I also finished the 3rd week of the 200 sit up challenge. Well I finished week 3, he finished week 5 since he started ahead of me.

92- Samantha and Jacob have come to church with us twice now!

46- I have also finished 2 more books

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Finished 23

I finished the Christmas gift! I just need to get a frame for it and wrap it!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I started on embroidering a thing for my grandma last night. It will be part of her Christmas present! I am almost 1/2 done and it looks really cute. I hope she likes it!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Mike and I started the 200 situp challenge last night with the inital test. it should take us 6 weeks so we should be done by the middle/ end of October!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I got a new Cell phone.. it does not work 100% yet , the speaker you hold to your ear is broken but I really like it. It is an LG Glance.


Mike and I went camping this weekend at South Rolly Camp ground in that Nancy Lake Recreational area near Willow Alaska. We had a great time. We put the kayak in the water right from out camp site. We saw loons and Mike saw beavers.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

#1 Started and #24 worked on

#1 I started the C25K program again last night. Mike put my the songs lists on my ipod. I should finish on October 27th if I do not repeat weeks, which I most likely will have to do. I want to finish it by turkey day.

#24 Last weekend I also worked on my baby scrapbook. I am up to age 7!

#8 I am also giving up pop this month! and starting a healthy eating program.